Mark Osborne

The Academy-Award nominated animated short-film by Mark Osborne tells the story of a lonely inventor, whose colorless existence is brightened only by dreams of the carefree bliss of his youth.

By day, he is trapped in a dehumanizing job in a joyless world. But by night, he tinkers away on a visionary invention, desperate to translate his inspiration into something meaningful.

When his invention is complete, it will change the way people see the world. But he will find that success comes at a high price, as it changes himself, as well. (via)

"Kung Fu Panda" (2008)

Mark Osborne is an Academy Award nominated director and Guggenheim Fellow (2004). He got his start by studying Foundation Art at Pratt Institute in New York before receiving his Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Experimental Animation from the California Institute of the Arts in June 1992.

His more well-known work to date, More a stop motion short film, has screened in over 150 film festivals worldwide. It was the first IMAX animation film to ever be nominated for an Academy Award (1999). Best Short Film at the Sundance Film Festival (1999), The SXSW Best Animated Short (1999), the ResFest Grand Prize (1999), the Critics Week selection for CANNES (1999) and others.

Osborne has also directed a majority of the live-action material for the popular animated TV series Spongebob Squarepants as well as all of the live action sequences for the feature film released in November of 2005. He was classmates with the television show's creator Stephen Hillenburg, back as a student at CalArts

For a while, he supported himself by teaching stop-motion at his Alta Matter, CalArts. He later left to pursue his professional aspirations, and his post was taken over by Mike Johnson, the co-director of Corpse Bride.

He is currently working on a new personal short film project titled "The Better Half," while simultaneously co-directing a feature length animated film, Kung Fu Panda for DreamWorks. (via)

"Kung Fu Panda" (2008)

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